Sanford and Son Trivia

Question 1 of
In what city did the show take place?
You Know Your Stuff
The salvage yard was located in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles.
Look Again
The salvage yard was located in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles.

Question 1 of
What was the name of Fred's deceased wife?
As a running gag, Fred would clutch his heart and tell Elizabeth he would soon join her in heaven.
What's In A Name?
As a running gag, Fred would clutch his heart and tell Elizabeth he would soon join her in heaven.

Question 1 of
Fred's foil, Esther, was what relation to him?
Family Matters
Before Esther, there was another sister-in-law, Ethel, who was not quite as… antogonistic.
Hard To Keep Straight
Before Esther, there was another sister-in-law, Ethel, who was not quite as… antogonistic.

Question 1 of
What artist composed the theme for Sanford and Son?
"The Streetbeater" was written by Jones specifically with Redd Foxx in mind.
The Streetbeater was written by Jones specifically with Redd Foxx in mind.

Question 1 of
Which of the following was NOT one of the shows to follow Sanford and Son?
Knew You Could Do It
Grady, the only real spinoff of the three shows, followed the title character as he moved in with his daughter.
That Was A Hard One
Grady, the only real spinoff of the three shows, followed the title character as he moved in with his daughter.

Question 1 of
Songs from what musical group were repeatedly sang on the show?
Sound Of Success
Redd Foxx was a fan of the group and paid the royalties to use their music out of pocket.
You Got A Tin Ear
Redd Foxx was a fan of the group and paid the royalties to use their music out of pocket.

Question 1 of
To what did Foxx credit Fred's signature walk?
You Think You're So Clever
Shoes. A defining character trait came out of wardrobe providing Foxx with heavy shoes.
Didn't See That Coming
Shoes. A defining character trait came out of wardrobe providing Foxx with heavy shoes.

Question 1 of
On what network did Sanford and Son originally air?
You're Tuned In
It was the first and only show produced by Normal Lear not to air on CBS.
Keep Flippin'
It was the first and only show produced by Normal Lear not to air on CBS.
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