Norman Lear Trivia

What year was Norman Lear born?

Great Start

Lear was born on July 27, 1922 in New Haven, Conneticut.

Bump In The Road

Lear was born on July 27, 1922 in New Haven, Conneticut.
Off of which classic TV character did Jimmy Walker model his comedic performance as J.J.?


Jimmy Walker's timing, physical comedy, and, yes, catchphrase made him the surprising breakout star of Good Times.

Try Again

Jimmy Walker's timing, physical comedy, and, yes, catchphrase made him the surprising breakout star of Good Times.
Lear's one-hour drama, Palmerstown, U.S.A., was set in what era?

Third Time's A Charm!

The story centered on two nine-year-old friends, one white and one black, in the Depression-era South.


The story centered on two nine-year-old friends, one white and one black, in the Depression-era South.
Which branch of the military did Lear serve in?


In 1942 Lear dropped out of Emerson College in Boston to join the United States Air Force.

Buzz! Wrong.

In 1942 Lear dropped out of Emerson College in Boston to join the United States Air Force.
What future sitcom star appeared in all 17 episodes of Palmerstown, U.S.A.?

Well Done!

The next year, Michael J. Fox became a household name playing Alex P. Keaton in Family Ties.

Not So Fast

The next year, Michael J. Fox became a household name playing Alex P. Keaton in Family Ties.
Lear is said to have based Archie Bunker on whom?

Thanks, Dad!

Despite Bunker's famously conservative views, Lear is an open and active liberal.

Thanks, Dad!

Despite Bunker's famously conservative views, Lear is an open and active liberal.
How many Emmy nominations have Norman Lear's sitcoms earned?

Lucky Guess!

Wowee! That includes 14 nominations and 4 wins for Lear.

So Close

Wowee! That includes 14 nominations and 4 wins for Lear.
On what night did Sanford and Son air?

Who Told You?

Sanford and Son enjoyed a Friday night timeslot for its entire run.

The Odds Were Against You

Sanford and Son enjoyed a Friday night timeslot for its entire run.

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