Which Western Character Are You Most Like?

Question 1 of
First Toy?

Question 1 of
Favorite Sport?

Question 1 of
How do you dress for work?

Question 1 of
Who is your best friend?

Question 1 of
What is your idea of a dream house?

Question 1 of
What is your best subject in school?

Question 1 of
What's in your back pocket?

Question 1 of
How do you take your coffee?

Question 1 of
How will your story be told?

You are:
You are haunted by your past. You hope for a clean start but know that doing the right thing is worth getting dirty for. Watch Shane on GET Sundays starting at 10a ET.

You are:
You are a peacemaker. You've learned from your own mistakes and hope pass that knowledge onto others, friends or strangers alike. Watch Hondo on GET Sundays at 11:15a ET.

You are:
Reese Bennett
Let those other cowboys be loners. You'd rather have a right and left hand man at your side in good times but especially bad times. After all, you need someone to laugh at your jokes. Watch Laredo on GET Sundays starting at 6:30a ET.

You are:
Grizzly Adams
You are a gentle giant. If people look past your rough exterior they will find a heart of gold. You believe that while battles are won with violence, wars are won with kindness. Watch the Life and Times of Grizzly Adams on GET Sundays at 9a ET.